TBT | Crowdfunding Success

Cover for TBT Crowdfunding Success

Just a little over a year ago, I posted this picture to my social media accounts, and it was a big moment for both T.O.F.U. and myself. At 5:47am (PST) in early November (2015), the first Kickstarter I ever ran reached its goal before hitting the deadline date, which meant that the project would be funded.

Needless to say, after months of preparation and an intense month of posting across all the social media platforms the magazine was on at the time (believe it or not, T.O.F.U. is on more now), waking-up before sunrise to that notification email from Kickstarter was a great feeling.

Now, I’m hoping to feel something similar to it by reaching the first goal of the Patreon campaign I’m currently running to offer subscriptions (both digital and print).

More importantly, by using the Patreon platform, I’m hoping to build a sustainable base of supporters to ensure I can continue to publish issues beyond just the next one. Unlike Kickstarter, Patreon offers you the chance to become a patron instead of a one-time backer, and for an independent publication such as T.O.F.U. that will make a big difference in how the future goes.

Since there is plenty more information on the campaign page, I’m going to keep from rambling here. Today just seemed like a good time to throwback to what was a great point in the history of the magazine, and I’m thankful to all of you who decided to play a role in it. Hopefully, you’re interested in supporting the magazine again, and subscribing through Patreon is a great way to do just that.

Together, maybe we’ll be able create another successful crowdfunding story to throwback to around this time next year!

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