For every action…

5,000 mink escape farm in Ireland (

Animal liberation.

It’s something I still sit on the fence (get it?) about. I don’t agree with animals in captivity, and that’s one of the reasons I’m vegan. However, I can’t say the idea of animals being liberated is such a great solution. Granted, there are probably cases where release would be a great idea, but I’m sure there are many (such as this one) where it might just lead to more harm for the animal, other living things, and the ecosystem as a whole.

I was going to write about this when it happened, and I even had a portion of it done, but a few days passed (in blog time that’s years, right!?) and I thought I would let it go. However, a friend posted a link to this article only yesterday and I thought it added well to my point:

The Aliens are Coming (

With the power we have, whether as activists, presidents of nations, CEOs of corporations or so much more, we have to not only think about our actions, but also about the reactions. There are always consequences, and sometimes those results are far more harmful than intended.

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